Hire an Official American Carp Society Guide
Want a professional, local guide to take you on an amazing carp angling experience?
The American Carp Society has officially sanctioned, experienced guides within the USA that adhere to the very highest levels of fish care and professionalism. For some Anglers, traveling across the World to a foreign country or across the USA to fish another state to fish can be a very daunting task. The sheer choice of States to visit and bodies of water to fish can be overwhelming, along with the coordination of licenses, tackle and bait.
American Carp Society sanctioned guides are independent of The American Carp Society but are professionals that we have screened and who share the same values as ourselves…they are the very best in their chosen field.
Whether you are traveling from overseas or are already a US Angler wanting to venture into the sport of carp fishing for the first time….or a carp angler simply visiting another state, a professional guide may be of help to you.
Keith Thompson - Texas
Keith Thompson has been fishing for carp for well over 50 years - catching his first carp in the UK in 1966 and now here in the US since 1997. He has been instrumental in bringing European carp fishing to the USA and is a staunch advocate for the species as a legitimate sport fish. Keith was one of the very first American Carp Society members which launched in 2002 and he promotes the safety and health of the fish through CPR "Catch, Photograph, & Release”. He specializes in targeting the Buffalo species (very similar to Carp and unique to a few few States in the USA) in Texas and enjoys helping others catch the biggest fish of their lives!
Keith's current tally is growing every year - he has caught and released over 65 Buffalo weighing more than 50lbs in weight with a current personal best (PB) of 64 lbs. He has guided people from all over the World in pursuit of the Smallmouth Buffalo here in Texas. He is, and always has been, truly passionate about his angling and there is no place he would rather be than by the water fishing for Carp or Buffalo.

Chris galvin - Colorado
Chris Galvin guides carp on the fly in his adopted home state of Colorado. The Denver South Platte (DSP) is his home water, where he guides anglers looking for challenge beyond the typical Colorado “trout in river” scenario. He approaches the sessions almost as hunts, rather than fishing, and loves to get as close as possible to wild fish before presenting flies. Clients are taught a foundation of fundamentals that apply to pursuing wary and spooky fish worldwide. His approach is both technical and patient, with a deep understanding of fish behavior.
An accomplished trout angler and guide, Chris was drawn to competitive trout angling starting at the 2006 National Fly Fishing Championships held in Boulder, CO. But in 2007 a new tournament was launched featuring his favorite local species, the Carp Slam. Invited at the inaugural event as a pro, he has competed annualy ever since. This event serves as a fundraiser and to raise awareness of the main local urban waterway flowing through Denver. Chris has won five of the past six South Platte Pro-Am Carp Slams hosted in Denver! This is the oldest tournament of its kind and held in reverence by those in the carp on the fly community. Check out the tournament at carpslam.org.
QUOTE - “A day spent chasing this fish is never a day wasted. No matter what happens, you will learn and grow from the experience.”
Clients can expect a dedicated effort to find, hook, and land fish throughout the urban corridor. Many different venues can be explored in a single day. As a side note, every angler that has taken a guided trip with Chris and then competed as an amateur in the Carp Slam, has gone on to catch a fish in the tournament!

Luke Annear - Wisconsin
Luke Annear grew up fishing for driftless trout in his back-yard in Wisconsin.… This passion for fly fishing, eventually led to a lifelong pursuit of fly fishing for carp.
Based in Cambridge, Wisconsin Luke is now the owner and head-guide of Freshwater Flats Guide Service LLC and has devoted most of the last decade to studying carp and their behavior in the rivers of southern Wisconsin. Loving both the visual element of sight-fishing and also the way that fly fishing for carp combines traditional elements of flies and fly casting with unique presentation strategies for the species, his goal as a guide is to put clients on fish and to help them appreciate the natural beauty of the southern Wisconsin rivers and wetlands.
Guided trips involve sight-fishing for carp in the skinniest of water from the comfort of a boat, with lunch and beverages provided.

Henry Cowen - Georgia
Henry has been pursuing guiding in Atlanta, GA for over 20 years. In the late fall, winter and early spring, he targets striped bass. In late spring through early fall he targets carp on the fly in the Chattahoochee River. Henry is an accomplished fly designer and his trademarked fly patterns are sold worldwide through Umpqua Feather Merchants. His fly patterns as well as techniques to fly fish continue to appear in magazines such as American Angler, Fly Fish America, Fly Tyer, Fly Fisherman, Angler Magazine and Eastern Fly Fishing. Henry’s name appeared on the masthead of both American Angler and Angler Magazine as a contributing writer/editor and he was also named to the esteemed Yellow Dog Fly Fishing field advisory staff. Henry continues to give seminars on light tackle & fly fishing in both fresh and saltwater’s as well as tying demos for The Fly Fishing Show and for fly shops and clubs around the country. Henry has appeared as a guest on a number of nationally televised outdoor shows (The Ford Outfitters, The Orvis Sporting life, The Reel Guys, One More Cast w/Shaw Grigsby, O’Neill Outside, Travis Johnson Outdoors & The Nuts and Bolts of Fishing) and continues as a weekly guest on the O’Neil Outside radio show.
Derek Rivchin - Arizona
Derek was born and bred in Arizona and grew up fishing at the lakes as most youngsters with a conventional approach. In 2013 he received his first fly rod from his wife…and then everything changed. Phoenix is full of carp…Derek cut his teeth with local carp legend, KC Badger who first showed him the finesse to catch grass carp in the canals of the city and from there he hasn’t looked back. He began the ‘Lo Water Guide Service’ after taking friends fishing and showing them how to catch carp on a fly and realized that with a little help, angler’s can find incredible sport with these marvelous fish right on their doorstep.
“I want to show people the beauty and intelligence that carp possess. Carp are very picky and can be spooked very easily. I’d say they are one of the most intelligent freshwater fish that we have here in the USA. The carp we specialize in range from common carp, grass carp (white Amur), koi and mirror carp. We target these fish with fly rods and flies in ancient canals, irrigation ponds and lakes and it makes for an incredible experience. Our signature trip is from a 16’ flat boat. It’s all visual fishing in inches of water… Just as you would in the Bahamas while chasing bonefish! We love the species and want to encourage more Angler’s to fish for them…they are not easy!’

Paul Russell has many years as an experienced Carp guide in New York…As Co-Director of both The Wild Carp Classic and Ed French Carp Tournaments in New York State he is no stranger to the hard fighting fish of the Seneca and Oswego river system.
“I have always been fascinated with Carp. As a kid I thought big Carp were uncatchable, they were just too smart. But I never stopped trying to catch them….I like to catch big fish and Carp have it all from their fighting ability to their intelligence as an adversary. These fish are amazingly strong and powerful and the central NY region and its waterways are truly blessed with large powerful carp in so many of its lakes, streams and rivers. Many sessions end up with multiple hookups with good numbers of fish brought to the bank. I have been lucky enough to have guided beginner anglers to World Class Anglers and we always catch and have fun!
Paul and his wife Ginny are excellent stewards of the species and are prominent in the US Carp World…he won the Wild Carp Classic in 2019 and has been a proficient carp tournament Angler since 2007.

Mitch Meyer - Kansas
Mitch was born and raised in the Kansas City Area and has spent most of his time chasing fish in the local Lakes. After graduating college from Kansas State University he had the opportunity to play professional baseball in the Milwaukee Brewers organization where he found himself playing rookie ball in Helena, Montana. This is where fly fishing entered his life, and he has been chasing fish with a fly rod ever since.
After a few years of playing Minor League ball he realized that his career was coming to an end. He decided to pack his bags and head to Colorado where he spent three years as a trout fishing guide and now he’s back in Kansas City where he has spent the last three years chasing carp around the many lakes and creeks. He has fallen in love with these incredibly difficult and smart fish to catch on the fly. Mitch is now the owner of KC Flats CO LLC and targets carp out of a skiff on the lakes in Kansas City. Their motto is “Taste the Salt In The Heartland” and their aim is to give clients a salt water fly fishing experience without the expensive travel bill.

Jon Oody - Tennessee
Jon Oody was born and raised in East Tennessee. He started fly fishing for carp over 20 years ago at the age of 12 when the carp swimming around his local ponds proved too much of a distraction…and he was hooked. He started off his guiding career as a Trout Angler and now also guides for Muskie as well as carp.
“I have had the joy of spending more time guiding and fishing for these fantastic fish more recently. I fish both Lakes and Rivers, from mulberries to crayfish as patterns, we can find feeding carp in the early spring through to the mid fall. My specialty is targeting the more predatory fish in Knoxville’s local warm waters that we find working hard bottoms looking for crayfish… and though still spooky these river fish can show a startling amount of aggression on the bite “.

Larry Dostal - Nebraska
Larry Dostal had a passion for fishing instilled in him since childhood, cutting his teeth on the urban fisheries of the Omaha Metro. Fishing the heartland for over 30 years, Larry has become an accomplished multi-species angler and die-hard fly fishing enthusiast. In recent years, Larry has helped pioneer the booming carp fly fishing movement in Nebraska, developing innovative fly patterns and a few unorthodox techniques along the way. As a fly fishing fanatic, guide, and entertaining speaker, he enjoys sharing his experiences and introducing aspiring anglers to his style of fly fishing, especially for carp.
Larry specializes in sight fishing for Common and Grass Carp, and these trophy sport fish are more than abundant in Nebraska. Carp thrive in the fertile rivers, sand pits, urban channels, and prairie reservoirs of Nebraska. The variety of water bodies, coupled with the infamous changing seasons of the Great Plains, offer carp anglers ample opportunity to target these amazing sport fish throughout the year.
Larry can accommodate 1 or 2 anglers from his flats skiff, or 1 on 1 guidance stalking carp on foot. From beginners to seasoned veterans! Guided outings with Larry include all necessary gear to target these amazing freshwater sport fish.
“Sight fishing for carp is one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences you can have with a fly rod, and it is my pleasure to share it with you!”

Born and raised in south Texas, Johnny grew up learning to fish for redfish, black drum and speckled trout on the coast around Corpus Christi and Port Aransas. After finishing up at college and moving back to Austin, TX he began experimenting with European style carp angling while simultaneously becoming obsessed with the skill and challenge of fly fishing. Eventually the two worlds collided and he has now spent the better part of a decade honing his skill as a fly angler and primarily targeting carp in central Texas rivers.
He now splits his time between a full time job at a local resort as a fly fishing instructor & guide, and guiding independently.
Johnny is devoted to sharing his passion with the hope that some might find a deeper level of connection and understanding of the natural world. He believes this is the key to fostering stewardship and creating fierce protectors of the habitats and species we hold so dear.
“At its core, fly fishing for carp is essentially hunting. You have to know your quarry and it’s behaviors intimately. You must be able to stalk calmly and quietly as well as be able to perform under pressure and follow through. When it all comes together, it tugs at something deep within my soul.”
Based out of Austin, guided trips can range from 1 on 1 walk and wade trips, half or full day float trips from the comfort of a raft, or even multi day river expeditions with camping.

Nate Satterelli found his passion for fly fishing at a young age, fly fishing Michigan’s most notorious rivers as well as Lake Michigan for various species. Nate’s true passion for carp started years back while guiding and volunteering with Project Healing Waters in Denver, Colorado.
Introduced to the sport by a good friend and one of Denver’s carp legends, Mike Medina, Nate quickly gained love for the fish and instantly became addicted. Nate’s passion has carried over to Oklahoma where he continues to guide, educate, and speak on the legitimacy of the carp’s true nature and how to fish for them. Nate is a founder and guide for Native Waters Outfitters where he stalks and chases carp, both on foot and from his skiff in various Oklahoma lakes. NWO is also a nonprofit whose mission is to educate and heal our community by providing the fly fishing experience to those in need, including children with hardships and those with disabilities.
Nate is also the program lead for Project Healing Waters OKC, a nonprofit organization that focuses on rehabilitating disabled veterans and those who suffer from PTSD through the art of fly fishing, and provides veterans with carp fishing opportunities. Nate spends his time carp fishing in Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado (DSP), and Michigan (West coast and Beaver Island).
“What makes carp so appealing is that they are so fun to stalk. They’re powerful, curious, and smart, and nature has fortified them to survive in waters across the world. The sport really comes together when you’re sight fishing and locked on your target with nothing but fly line and your fly of choice. One of the most heart stopping moments in fly fishing is when your fly reaches a few inches from the carp, and you wait. If everything goes perfectly, game on. If not, it’s back to the drawing board. Carp are worth pursuing and deserve our appreciation. If you learn the sport, it increases your fly fishing game tenfold.”

Ike was born and raised in Chicago, IL. He spent most of his youth and young adult life playing hockey, hunting, and fishing for anything that swims in his local waters. His family resides in the Southwest Suburbs and he splits his time between a full time job, family and guiding for Carp Unlimited FlyFitters LLC, which he owns.
Loving the life outdoors, he spends as much time as possible by the water in search of this incredible species. His passion for this hardy fish is well known amongst his peers, being a champion for the Carp in his local area.
"I live and breathe carp on the fly. No other species comes close to shaking my blood like they do. Carp are always on my mind …they are one of the smartest freshwater fish that we have here in the USA. . They are superior in design, wicked smart and exhilarating to hunt with a fly rod. From the harbors of downtown Chicago, to the local rivers in the suburbs and all of the ponds in between... If you have an interest in catching one of these bad boys I would love to help you and can put you on a carp.”

Zack has been fishing the Waters of the Pacific Northwest for almost three decades and has been a professional guide now for 11 years. He also carries a master's degree in fisheries and aquatic sciences, and an understanding for the species that give him an edge on the water . Although he started out as a salmon and steelhead guide, he has shifted focus to the ‘euro style’ approach of carp fishing. He is currently working with several state and local agencies to further enhance the world of carp sport fishing within the State of Washington.
What began as a simple session targeting carp has now turned into a full blown obsession. Utilizing knowledge that comes from targeting a multitude of species, as well as a proficient understanding of local waters, helps ensure successful days on the water. He is also the only licensed, professional carp guide in Washington State. Based out of Snohomish in the beautiful western part of Washington State, he chooses to fish both Urban and secluded lakes offering both single day and multi-day trips.

Dagur Árni Guðmundsson grew up fly fishing the wild trout and salmon of Iceland, and in his teens moved to California where he learned to apply his fly fishing to a foreign landscape, and eventually found his way into chasing the carp - which became an obsession due to their technicality and strength. Having been a guide in the World Class salmon and trout streams of Iceland since he was 18, he now brings Fly Angler’s to the wild carp flats of California’s Central Coast where he’s found a second home during the fall, winter and spring. Dagur brings this knowledge and passion for this fish every day for his clients to make each day not only fun, but informative, with a goal of leaving each client with a higher regard of these misunderstood fish and as better anglers.
“Carp are simply one of the best fish to chase with a fly rod. The combination of sight fishing, technical approaches and presentations that can be used with these big strong fish, make them a worthy target of fly fishermen. There are very few anglers pursuing these incredible fish in my region of California, even though there is a considerable amount of fly fishermen in the area, they choose to drive over three or four hours to chase ten inch trout! One of my goals with my guiding service and classes has been to open local anglers' eyes to the opportunity of chasing world class fish close to home.”

Born and raised around the swamps and reservoirs of Northern Utah, Tyson has had a passion for fishing that was instilled in him from a very young age. His dad taught him to fish on traditional tackle, with a little fly fishing sprinkled in. He has always appreciated Carp for their size and strength and has targeted Sturgeon, Muskie and Catfish as well as other species. He keeps coming back to Carp and has focused on them as a target species to the point of obsession. He is now the owner of Ogden Valley Ffy fitters Guide Service and enjoys helping others catch this incredible species.
“When I take people out I want to show them the beauty of these fish, how intelligent and strong they are… and how to appreciate and treat them. They're also a good fish to chase when the summer temperatures get too warm to chase trout, especially here in the west. They will test your angling abilities to the limit and try both your patience and tackle….I love ‘em!“

John Rogers guides carp on the fly on his home waters in Southern Vermont and Eastern New York. While John has several small ponds and lakes in which to target Carp his favorite fishery is slow moving flats sections of large rivers in Eastern New York. Just as the trout fishing begins to slow down in late June the Carp fishing is hitting its prime. It’s not uncommon on a float trip to site 50-75 fish and have legitimate chances at 15-20 eaters.
A fourth-generation fly fisherman, John has called the banks of Vermont’s famed Battenkill River his home for the past 23 years. As a top executive for Orvis, he’s fly fished the world from European Chalk Streams to outer most stretches of New Zealand and Labrador. His fly fishing travels have been chronicled in American Angler and The Orvis News.
A day chasing Carp with John will make you a better fly fisher. You will learn specific carp tactics to hook and land these amazing fish plus great casting and line management fundamentals that apply to all fresh and saltwater species.
“Chasing these fish and watching them eat in 2- 3 feet of water is such a rush. It’s such a wonderful contrast to trout fishing.”
Clients can expect an adventuresome day floating the rivers and lakes of Vermont. You’ll fish from John’s 14’ Smithfly Big Shoals raft, wading spots and just hooting and hollering as you target, chase and get a few of these wonderful fish to eat your fly.

Jeremy Edge hails from the coastal waters of Beaufort, SC where he first got his feet wet before moving to Central Alabama. As a young man he spent his time fishing the rivers and lakes of Alabama. Bass, bluegill, carp, catfish, striper, gar and musky are what sparked the fishing flame in him and has continued to do so to this day. Finding WNC/East Tennessee in his twenties opened up the door to guiding all of the beautiful rivers and lakes this area has to offer.
Over the last 15 years he has spent countless hours on the surrounding watersheds fishing/guiding for all of these species. But none have brought him more joy and endless fun than carp on a fly rod.
“ Carp are in almost every fishery here in the south east and get overlooked due to their ‘trash fish’ stereotype. I love showing clients there isn’t anything trashy about them! They are truly a trophy size fish that are more versatile and aggressive than most people think. ”
A day on the water with Jeremy will include all gear, food, drinks, fish and good times you can handle. He can accommodate up to 2 anglers aboard his Hog Island 16 Drift boat. Fishing through the season can vary from river to lake and clients will have opportunities to sight fish for both common carp and grass carp.
Jeremy is the owner and head guide of Gateway Fly Fishing located outside Asheville, North Carolina.

Jacob Carpenter started fishing as he could walk, as a 5th generation Colorado native. His father would place a rod and he would disappear for hours, exploring up creeks, riverbanks, and high mountain lakes. His love of the stalk and the rod combined, when he discovered the unique challenge of carp fishing with a fly rod. Jacob soon became a fixture in the local carp fly fishing tournament, Carpocalypse, which he won several times during a decade of participation. He is well known for his exuberance and skill at stalking and catching carp along the river system in the Grand Junction area. He is a patient educator for clients on his ‘crane style’ approach to wary cruisers, in addition to the more typical ways carp can be approached.
Colorado West Slope Fly Fishing sold Jacob his first carp fly long ago, and is now his pro outfitter. CWSFF has embraced his love of chasing the Golden Bones, and acquired numerous permits for area lakes that are famous for large carp. But the truly unique experience is drifting the Colorado River through the heart of Grand Junction with him. In his drift boat, he can offer unique access to carp along the river system; from little-known sloughs, to site casting, to feeding carp on the rocky bends of the river. Jason’s love of fishing knows no bounds, from the alpine lakes and streams, to the trout-filled headwaters of the Colorado, and down to the warm-water fishery of the lower Colorado. He is always willing to take a client out for an adventure. From walk wading, to drifting the river, or site casting in lakes, clients can appreciate his exuberance and love of sharing his carp spots with them.