Our Angler of the Month for October is Loren Walters from Kansas! We wanted to congratulate Loren for his captures so far this season and for his incredible pictures that he’s been posting of some very special scaly mirrors! Keep doing what you’re doing bro…we love seeing those cool shots!
From Loren: “ Thanks so much guys! I’d like to add a special thanks for Jake Downing and Jami Selvidge for helping me hook up to a few recent locations and a big shout out to Kevin Zirjacks and KCCA for teaching and mentoring me in this fantastic sport!”
Click HERE to check out his insta page!
With a hankering for some travel to places unknown and a challenge to put some special fish on the bank, it looks like Brian Daugherty and Austin Pass got their wish. Big congrats guys on what looks to be an incredible session…it doesn’t get much better than this! Of course if you have a surprise guest or two join you it does take it up another notch though…! Well done fellas!
October was a banner month for many of our members across the USA and with the summer coming to an end we are seeing some glorious fish being captured. These photos below caught our attention in the month of October and so we thought that some extra recognition was warranted. Congratulations to everyone on the success of their angling sessions this past month…We appreciate all your tags and mentions, and can’t wait to see what everyone is catching over this next month! Don’t forget to tag us #americancarpsociety #jointheguiltyones and tag american_carp_society in your stories!
•. Dan Krull
•. David Oliver
Barbed v barbless hooks
By: James King
Other than location and bait, I’d say hooks are in the top 3 most important aspects of carp angling.
I’ve always been a microbarb angler, mostly because I had heard all of the same anti-barbless arguments you may have.
The brand and pattern I like only comes as micro and I saw no reason to change. I am a very methodical fisherman so have fortunately, up until now, not been jabbed past the barb by a size 4 hook!
I switched to barbless (currently pinching the barb on the hooks I have until I use them all up), and I would highly encourage everyone else to make the switch!
All you need to do is land multiple fish in a row and I promise you’ll be a convert. I decided to switch after spending 10 days on the bank with my good friend, fishery owner, bait maker and recent brace of two 70 lb. commons, Jason Rider. He was using barbless in March when he was here and I didn’t see him lose a single fish because of them, and after witnessing the hook holds and all of the additional benefits like easy unhooking in the net, I decided to give it a try this fall.
So far since August, I’ve landed around 50 carp and Buffalo (from low teeners to a few 54 lb. and up), from multiple venues, lost 3 to broken hooklink, zero pulls and every fish has been nailed up to the bend of the hook in the bottom lip.
For me personally, the absolute best advantage of using barbless is knowing that any lost fish to breaks will shortly afterwards be able to shake the hook and not be trailing line.
Inevitably you’ll lose fish just as you would using microbarbed but will avoid an ER visit from the switch. Give it a try!
For more info, check out Matt Collins great video on the subject.
As we continue to grow, it is our desire to bring you, our members, more benefits as a thank you for supporting The American Carp Society. We will be adding to our ACS Member’s Recognition stickers for you. The range now includes:
1. 20lb.
2. 30lb.
3. 40lb.
4. 50lb.
5. Snow Carp.
6. On the Fly.
7. Triple.
8. Scaly One.
9. On the float.
Remember all you have to do to get your free sticker is to follow the instructions below:
• Post a pic of the you and the fish on social media (Facebook / Instagram) and use the following tags.
◦ #americancarpsociety
◦ #jointheguiltyones
• Use the below post comment on your personal social media accounts - not the ACS Member group.
◦ "I just joined the (##-pound / Snow Carp / Scaley etc.) Club with the American Carp Society" (replace ## with appropriate weight class)
• Send a notification of your post to info@americancarpsociety.com

As we mentioned our members will now have access to the new ‘Members Only’ store (underneath the official Store on the website). We will continue to bring in new membership only products, sales and merchandise that are not available to the general public. Don’t forget to check into the store on a regular basis as products will be added!
new 2024 Barnaby’s Revenge NUTRABERRY now available for ACS Members Only!
We are happy to announce that our new 2024 Barnaby’s Revenge, NUTRABERRY, range of products, are now available for ACS Members Only on the new store. We will be adding the new PASTE products and others, in the coming weeks.

We are excited to launch a new monthly members only photography contest, the winners of which will receive a Barnaby’s Revenge bait package - 1kg of boilies, 1 tub of Tigers and a Bait Spray.
To qualify the angler has to be wearing ACS merchandise (with a visible ACS logo) in the photograph. We are looking for great images that capture all angles of this great sport. The preparation, the capture, the wildlife. It’s not just about the largest fish or weight… which will open the contest up to all ACS members in all states.
Submissions MUST be tagged on your personal social media to feeds qualify #americancarpsociety and #jointheguiltyones on instagram or @american_carp_society on FB.
Use the below comment on your personal social media accounts:
The American Carp Society - The future of fishing in the USA.
We are looking for some interesting pictures that convey the very best of the sport. The ACS team will pick the winner at the end of each month and announce them in the Angler’s Insider as well as in the Member’s Facebook Group. The first competition will end November 30th and thereafter run month to month starting on the 1st of each month! Below are some examples of what we’re looking for:

If you’re posting fish on your social feeds and you are an ACS member…this is just another opportunity with a few tags and a shout out to the organization to add to your personal monthly baiting inventory at no cost!!
For any of you that purchased some of our new ACS Members Only Fluoro hangers...We'll be giving away 5kg of our new NUTRABERRY boilies at the end of March 2024 for the best bankside 'ACS Hanger shot' that our members tag us in!!! Just tag us on your personal social media feeds and send an email to info@americancarpsociety.com to let us know that you’ve taken the shot and the winner will be chosen at the end of March.
(Mandala gold shown in pic for example - Nutraberry boilies are now available on the store for members)
Official Hoodie and Sweatpants Pre-order
Been waiting to get your hands on one of our iconic ACS Member Hoodies? Wait no more! We are now taking pre-orders for the classic ACS Hoodie with the option for Sweatpants with pockets as well!
We have taken our super soft members ‘classic hoodie’ design and added a pairing of sweatpants for those of you that asked. Featuring the original ‘classic’ American Carp Society logo on both the front and back of the hoodie and also on the left leg of the sweatpants. These will be sure to keep you warm throughout the winter months. The hoodies are available in both pull over and zip up options! PRE-ORDERS CLOSE NOVEMBER 15th**
From $45 - SWEATPANTS to 2XL
From $52 - HOODIE (Zipper or Pullover) to 3XL
Click HERE to pre-order yours today!

We wanted to take a moment to extend our sincerest congratulations to ACS Member, Yuriy Nesterov. As many of you will be aware, Carp angling in Europe is a massive sport and dominates the freshwater scene over there. Here in the USA we have BASS, WALLEYE, CATFISH and other high profile species to contend with for the spotlight and recognition, and although the USA is massive, there’s a relatively small % that pursue our beloved Carp as a sport fish. But that’s changing.
Companies like SOLAR, RIDGEMONKEY and VASS overseas are probably familiar to you all along with Nash, Korda, Fox and many others that have pioneered Carp-specific fishing tackle and products for the sport, that we now see here in the USA. SOLAR TACKLE specifically have shown great leadership in supporting the growth of US Carp Angling over the past year. For an angler in Europe to be officially recognized by these companies for their skill and dedication is not an easy task and unheard of at this point here in the USA…until now!
BIG CONGRATS Yuriy for this recognition and achievement! We want to encourage all of our members to take the time to document your captures and lifestyle while bank-side. It is worth the time invested in learning the process. A great reminder to all of us here in the USA that with dedication to a task…the rewards are there.
Ridgemonkey Vass American Carp Society Carp Bait USA
Congratulations to young Tyler Kross for another great month of angling. We have to say that the dedication shown from Tyler and his dad Glenn are inspiring. It’s great to see young anglers of Tyler’s age getting hooked on the sport and promoting it to others, which can only be a positive for the future Carp anglers here in the USA. Tyler is now an official IGFA record holder as well. Keep up the great work fellas…and a big thanks to Rafal C, @nolimitangler and @thelakehouse_ct for their consistent support and help in his passion!
We wanted to give a big shoutout to our friend Gareth Fareham in the U.K. on the release of his new book ‘Adrift’. As the editor and founder of Subsurface Journal, we know that this will be an incredible read with some stunning photography!
One of the UK’s finest anglers and thought leaders on the subject, Gaz changed the visual presentation of the species through the release of Subsurface Journal and inspired Carp Anglers from all over the world…he has also supported The American Carp Society and helped us immensely with ‘The American Carper’ publications in the past.
This will be an incredible piece of work!
Pre-orders are now available HERE!
From Gaz:
496 pages and over 500 images, all the good times, and the all tough ones too! The title? For me it resonates with the idea of freedom and having no ties to a place, and I realized through writing it that I’ve rarely stayed focussed on any one water for long, enjoying the drift, new challenges and the freedom far more than anything else. It was only when I strung the last 19 seasons out chronologically I saw how fragmented my fishing had actually been - shifting between states of obsession and … well, whatever the opposite of that is … all or nothing, half-baked plans, failed missions and disasters, occasional and incredible good fortune, some half decent prep and execution at times, obsession and burn outs, a lot of miles, a lot of hopes and dreams and all squeezed in around a shape-shifting career and workloads that I’ve rarely managed to handle properly. It isn’t really a book of single-minded big carp campaigns, it is about just chasing the buzz wherever it has taken me, but it is my own story, and it’s nothing if not honest. I wouldn’t change any of it, and it’s all been a blast. No regrets, just good memories and some lovely old carp along the way. If you read it, the title will make perfect sense by the end.
There’s so many lads out there with albums ten times as strong as mine and I never felt remotely qualified to write a book myself, but I love writing, and I love taking pictures, and I’m grateful people seem to really enjoy what I’ve put out there over the years, so I shelved the doubt and demons and just did it. I hope you enjoy it if you get one. Cheers people. She’s up there now x.
american carp society NEW 2024 MEMBERSHIP PACKAGES
We are happy to announce that the new 2024 Traditional Membership Packages will be shipping out this week! Featuring more products, stickers and our new boosted bait samples for the 2024 line of bait ‘NUTRABERRY’. A sweet and creamy fruit blend with carpy overtones, the NUTRABERRY flavor has quietly been catching fish across the USA over the past few years. We are now ready to bring it to our members.
2024 Membership packages include:
• New members beanie.
• ACS Hooks.
• ACS Terminal Tackle items.
• ACS Pop - Up Corn.
• ACS Squatch Lens cloth.
• ACS Sticker Pack.
• Access to the digital American Carper Volume 1.
• New ‘NUTRABERRY’ boosted corn.
The ACS Barnaby’s Revenge baits have been racking up a few fish over this last month. Both Jeff Kramer and Gerold Winkler in Northern California are just coming into their fall season and cooler temperatures, when the bigger fish will start feeding in readiness for the winter. Bobby Oney from Ohio has also been getting on some beautiful specimens as well! Tag us with your ACS bait captures to be featured! #barnabysrevenge

We are happy to announce that we have just rolled some fresh Barnaby’s Revenge boilies and they are available on the store. The new NUTRABERRY range is currently available for ACS members only in the new members store:
“ I’m a new carp angler and have just joined the ACS! After looking at some of the carp groups and social media posts in the USA I was really impressed with the quality of the content you guys put out…Looks like the best of the best in the US are already members here. Keep up the great work! “
- Frank B, New York.