jeff kramer
Our Angler of the Month for January is Jeff Kramer of Valley Springs, CA. A big congratulations to Jeff for a great 2023 with some wonderful Delta Carp captures!
An American Carp Society member, and both a passionate photographer and Carp Angler, Jeff has been dedicating his time to pursuing this great species on the West Coast for a number of years now. His photography and documentation of his captures and outdoor experiences are exceptional. Congratulations Jeff, keep up the great work!
Give a ‘like and follow’ to Jeff on his insta page HERE!

special mention
Special Mention this month goes to the ACS’ very own Clayton Lothrop! Clayton took advantage of the holiday season to finally do a bit of fishing himself - with some spectacular results and first class pictures. Way to go, Clayton!
Notable captures from members across the usa
Happy New Year to everyone!…December captures were understandably hard as many of the States were covered in snow and starting to ice up for the winter…but a number of Angler’s braved the weather and some of the fish captures truly stand out because of this. The photos below caught our attention in the month of December and so we thought that some extra recognition was warranted. Congratulations to everyone on the success of their angling sessions this past month…We appreciate all your tags and mentions, and can’t wait to see what everyone is catching over this next month! Don’t forget to tag us #americancarpsociety #jointheguiltyones
double up on acs and bct competitions
When you tag your captures #americancarpsociety on social media and you’re wearing an ACS ball cap or an ACS beanie, with a visible ACS logo (and the more visible the better!) - you’ll automatically be entered into our monthly bait contest. If you also submit this shot to Big Carp Tackle for their monthly online contest and WIN you’ll also receive an extra 1kg of ACS Barnaby’s Revenge boilies from The American Carp Society!
We’re looking for great images that capture all angles of this great sport. The preparation, the capture, the wildlife. It’s not just about the largest fish or weight … which opens the contest up to all ACS members in all states.
So if you’re posting fish on your social feeds and you’re an ACS member…this is another opportunity with a few tags and a shout out to the organization to potentially add to your personal monthly baiting inventory at no cost!
Loren Walters, winner of December’s ACS cap competition, about to put his swag to good use.
austin anderson joins proline baits
Friend of ACS and one of the few full-time carp guides in the US, Austin Anderson has joined the pro roster at ProLine Baits. Their recent press release announcing his signing gives some nice background on Austin’s fishing career. Congratulations from ACS Austin!
“The ProLine Baits team is excited to announce our newest team member. Help us welcome multi-species angler Austin Anderson.
Austin is 28 years old and lives in Austin Texas. He grew up in Dallas. He’s been fishing most of his life, carp fishing for 15 years. Austin owns and operates CarpPro Texas Guide Service. This coming year will mark Austin’s 10th year guiding. He has guided anglers to catch many personal bests. Clients have landed 60lb plus buffalo on trips with Austin. He is a former Junior IGFA World Record holder for smallmouth buffalo (50.6lbs). He also guided 3 current IGFA Word Records and has one pending.
Austin attended Stephen F. Austin university in East Texas where he fished for and was the president of the SFA Bass Club for 3 years. He is an avid tournament bass fisherman. He fishes Major League Bass Fishing and the Toyota Series.”
Fish with carl does dale hollow
Late December saw the much anticipated released of Fish with Carl’s film of a week-long carping adventure at Dale Hollow in Tennessee. Just in case you’ve never watched his videos, Carl makes some of the best fishing films you’ll ever watch. And though he’s from the UK, he’s obsessed with US carp fishing! His stateside adventures are ably guided by US friends and talented carpers Brian Dougherty, and brothers Brendan and Austin Pass of Trilogy Baits.
As we continue to grow it is our desire to bring you, our members, more benefits as a thank you for supporting The American Carp Society. We will be adding to our ACS members recognition stickers for you. The range now includes:
1. 20lb.
2. 30lb.
3. 40lb.
4. 50lb.
5. Snow Carp.
6. On the Fly.
7. Triple.
8. Scaly One.
9. On the float.
Remember all you have to do to get your free sticker is to follow the instructions below:
• Post a pic of you and the fish on social media (Facebook / Instagram) and use the following tags:
• #americancarpsociety
• #jointheguiltyones
• Use the below post comment on your personal social media accounts - not the ACS Member group.
• "I just joined the (##-pound / Snow Carp / Scaley etc.,) club with the American Carp Society" (replace ## with appropriate weight class).
• Send a notification of your post to
Imagine that stuck to the lid of your rig box!
As we mentioned, our members will now have access to the new Members Only store (underneath the official Store on the website). We will continue to bring in new membership only products, sales and merchandise that are not available to the general public. Don’t forget to check into the store on a regular basis as new products will be added!
We are happy to announce that our new 2024 Barnaby’s Revenge, NUTRABERRY, range of products, are now available for ACS Members Only on the new store!
Something mesmerizing about the sound of eggshells being crunched into the ACS boilie mixes!
This month ACS members get a 50% discount on our winter beanies! These are very high quality and will look great on some of those winter shots keepin yer noggin’ warm!