The Serendipity...

The Serendipity…

by Alexei Perciuleac

Hi, my name is Alex, I live and fish in the Chicago, Illinois area but I was born and raised in Eastern Europe. I’ve lived very happily in the US for 12 years now.

I’ve loved float fishing all my life but got into carp fishing in the summer of 2018 and I was captivated instantly. My first setup was an Ugly stick with whatever tackle I thought was reasonable 😂

Luckily, my first trip to the Chicago river was actually the day I met a real carp angler fishing with all the proper “Euro” gear. We even spoke the same language, so talk about coincidences? My new friend laughed at my setup but he was very nice and helped me set up my rod with some of his gear/end tackle and shortly thereafter, I was into my first carp. That carp wasn’t the only thing that got hooked that day 😁 I immediately fell in love with Carp fishing and I haven’t looked back with one single day of regret since…

1st Chicago River Carp.jpg

Now that same guy has become one of my best friends and thanks to him, I was introduced to Chicago river, which is now my go to place locally and all the fish I catch from there are incredible!
I spent a lot of time scouring all social media platforms for any and all information about carp fishing. I learned much about the sport and met other like minded individuals that I am now very happy to call my friends!

Social media is also how I found out about the American Carp Society. Being a member has really helped my carp fishing. I remember when I received my welcome package and was reading through Vol 2 of the American Carper publication about all the potential that American waters have to offer and seeing all the pictures of all the boys catching all those awesome looking Mirror carp on the East Coast, and I was like, “WOW!! I WOULD LOVE TO ONE DAY HOLD A MIRROR LIKE THAT UP FOR THE CAMERA.”

Chicago River Common 2.jpg

I have to say that the American Carp Society was definitely an inspiration for me, so my goal is the same, to inspire others through what I now do and how I represent the sport in my pictures. But at the core of it all will always be my passion for this sport.

Alexei's Dog (Hachi) on Chair.jpg

As far as angling experience, it was all trial and error until I figured what works for me in terms of bait and tackle. 
 I fish two of the most fished spots on the Chicago river, sometimes I get frustrated not being able to fish the spot I want because someone else is already in those spots fishing when I arrive at the swims but it’s no big deal, it’s a public water. 

I vividly remember my very first session there on the river, I caught 5 carp all under 15 lb, including one with a black eye, so for a beginner it was a lot and I was and still am, very proud of that 1st session.

Chicago River Common 1.jpg

After that 1st time out, every session became a special experience with plenty of Unique looking fish, unique and interesting people passing by and others stopping to ask plenty of questions including what I was doing. There was one time I literally had to fight with some dudes who asked if I would give them the fish I caught…. I would not ever give my fish to these guys, I proudly catch and release all my fish!

This river still holds both my mirror and common persona bests! So to me, the Chicago river will always be a special place.

My Standing PBs.jpeg

I’ve even recently had a beautiful recapture experience with 9 months between the photographing the same fish. That’s amazing to me!

 As far as fishing tackle and baits, I prefer to use pop ups on Ronnie rigs 90% of the time. It just works well everywhere I go, but I always leave that other 10% for experimental fishing, trying new rigs and baits etc...
I have to admit that don’t have much experience fishing lakes yet. I fished rivers more than anything else, the fight of the river carp is on another level than the typical lake carp in my opinion.
If there’s one word that defines carp fishing for me is “passion”. It doesn’t matter where, when or with who.

I don’t really consider myself an urban angler, I just adapt to what’s around me and make the most of it. I will take a trip anywhere if we’re talking carp fishing. I love the social vibe of urban fishing but I hope that one day anglers and just spectators will learn to pick up after themselves and not leave their trash and left-overs every where they go. That’s why sometimes I just pack up and go away from the city life.

In conclusion I want to say that I’m so very grateful that I discovered this sport, I have met so many great people and I hope that one day we’ll all see American Carp fishing gain the respect it truthfully deserves.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and allowing me to introduce myself here. I wish you much luck with your fishing…

Best wishes,
